im hanifah,you are?



my life is a fairytale and this is my kingdom

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

im officially FANGS UP!

okey people now im officially fangs up! it's name of cobra starship 's fans.and now im one of them.thats because of my girl GERFIAZKA JAMIL.thanks azka for making me one of cobra fans but thanks for making me regret not watching their concert

owowowowowow i HEART cobra starship so much.

i think thats all.well,im fangs up now!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

movie marathon.popcorn?

hello people,im going to show you some movie that i wacthed this holiday.hari ini dari pagi gue nonton apaan ye? oh iya. first i watched

bring it on 5

sebenernya udah lama belinya tapi males nontonnya ,tapi pada suatu hari saya mendapat hasrat untuk menontonnya dan ternyataaaaaaaaa KEREN SEKALI haha i love jaguars i love dream team i love cheerleading. for all of you who like dancing so much you have to watch it.
nah pas udah kelar nonton nih film gue tertarik buat beli bring it on sebelum nya
tapi sayang bring it on yang pertamanya gak dapet jadilah cuman beli yang ke 2,3,4

nextttt,gue tonton kan yah tuh yang ke 2

andd i dont really like it,i dont know why.and didukung dvdnya rusak well yaudah deh gue langsung next aja ke bring it on 3,bring it on all or nothing.

nahhhh kalo yang ini lumayan seru kok ada rihanna nya lagi seru seru seru, cuman the thing that i dont like from this movie is berasa nonton film jadul,tapi keren kok keren sekali.

nahhhh next,bring it on 4, IN IT TO WIN IT

kalo yang ini sangat seru banget .bring it on terseru setelah BRING IT ON 5
so so so seruuuuu
hahaha kok bring it on semua yah?nope.
ada satu film keren lagi tapi belom gue tonton yaitu........

nah kalo ini FROM PARIS WITH LOVE ,i think i'll watch it tomorrow haha this is an awesome movie you should watch it too.

okey then i think thats all.happy holiday everyone! good luck for my senior!



erghhh you know what? today im tryin to change my avatar on twitter
and you know what??? pas gue coba avatar yang emang gue mauin it's...............


ngapain coba tuh paus senyam senyum?hah? ngeledek? ergh
pas gue coba avatar yang gue agak gak mau banget tuh yeeeee...

erghhh soooo my avatar now is s*ck erggggh

and me? PATIENT sooooo patient ergh

just wish me can change it tomorrow



check it out

hello everyone,
today im so bored and dont know what to do , so i just do this.

follow me on TWITTER please @hanifeyy .i promise i will follow you back


and next is my TUMBLR. my tumblr 's name is Art check it out and follow it wont regret it

and the last is......

my FORMSPRING.ME hahaha please follow and ASK! ,
ASK everything you want

okeoke i think thats all please please follow me haha

i'll follow you back


truffle chocolate

heyhey guys,this thursday im going to make TRUFFLE CHOCOLATE with firda magfira putri .she is my bestfriend and i just cant wait for the day after tomoorrow.i'll catch up on you on thursday and i'll report what have we done. SEE YOU

ps: if you wanna know more about truffle and firda just CLICK


Monday, March 29, 2010

holiday not really my friend

HEYYEH people it's been long time not posting in this blog.nah sekarang gue lagi libur ,becauseee my senior are doing the National Exam good luck buat kakak kakak kelas yang mengerjakannya dan semoga lulus dengan nilai terbaik dan masuk SMA yang diharapkan,AMIN.

nah today gue gatau mau ngapain,tiba tiba teringat sesuatu! yaitu COBRA STARSHIP soalnya pas hari jumat gue duduknya sebelah azka terus dia nunjukin ditangannya ada tulisan cobra starship,nah terus gue dengerin deh lagunya yang HOT MESS dan ternyataaaaaaaaaa itu enak! dan terjadi lagi deh tragedi Boys Like Girls gue shitty banget.jadi waktu BLG konser tuh yah gue gak tertarik banget eh si syarifa putri ramadhanty suruh gue dengerin dan ternyataaaaaaa saya sangat nge fans sama BLG ergh yaudah deh nasib.

nah sekarang pas denger ada konser


saya tak tertarik,eitsseseses pas dengerin semua lagunya HUEEEEE NYESEL BANGET GAK NONTON.yasudahlah nasib memang

but i still waiting for.........


i always waiting for them ,please please come to indonesia.i really waiting for you guys.

okey i think thats all and next time if there's a concert i will listen to their song first
regret always come late;)
