im hanifah,you are?



my life is a fairytale and this is my kingdom

Friday, April 30, 2010

erghhh fuck you little thing called phone yes you what? hah? broken again? stupid it's just 1 hour i used you and it's already broken again? fuck damn shit erghhh cant wait throw you okey? ofcourse it's oke you cant do anything you dead!!!! erghh

sorry for posting this i thought it will make me calm but it's not working ergh damn you phone shit!

Monday, April 26, 2010


last saturday,me and my family watched THE BOOK OF ELI and you know what? film itu sangat sangat bagus.

yahh membosakan sih tapi BAGUS BANGET jadi tapi emang dasar saya suka film kea gitu jadi bagi saya tidak terlalu membosankan.

you should watch it . that is a good movie to watch!

"knowledge cannot replace friendship,i'd rather be an idiot than lose you"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

he could be the one


Smooth talkin', so rockin'
He's got everything that a girl's wantin'
guitar cutie, he plays it groovy
And I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid

Think I'm really fallin' for his smile
Yeah, butterflies when he says my name

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe somethin's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one

He's lightnin', sparks are flyin'
Everywhere I go he's always on my mind and
I'm goin' crazy about him lately
And I can't help myself from how my heart is racin'

Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe
He really blows me away, hey!

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe somethin's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one

And he's got a way of makin' me feel
Like everything I do is perfectly fine
The stars are aligned when I'm with him
And I'm so into it!

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe somethin's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one

Saturday, April 24, 2010


hellawhelluw hehe jadi jadi jadi..... sabtu kapan tau tanggal 17 kalo gak salah ,gue,putri,raisa,ceha,allya,afi mau wawancara native nah tapikan EF tutup tuh yah jadi yah kita iseng aja ke wall street nah kan gaboleh tuh yah yaudah kita jalan aja digading nyari bule.

nah pas udah jalan tuh lamaaaa gitu terus allya sama ceha pulang karena ceha udah disuruh pulang yaudah deh pas mereka pulang azka dateng wahh azka dateng udah kea disambut anak alarm aja ada kita ber enam sama mia.

after ceha and allya went home,kita lanjut lagi jalan terus tiba tiba terfikir di benakku untuk menuju ke roti boy! nah pas kita lagi jalan.KETEMU DEH BULE hehehe langsung aja kita minta foto.


dereeengggg seneng abis kan kita ,abis itu kita langsung caw deh ke atas ke foodcourt soalnnya saya laparrrrr.



nahhh setelah kita bosan berada di foodcourt akhirnya raisa memberikan ide cemerlang yaituuuu kita ke lapiazza dan take some pictures there! hehe yaudah deh kita ke lapiazza tapi sebelum kita ke lapiazza si afi sama raisa mau nonton cinta 2 hati jadi beli tiket nya dulu

nah abis dari situ si afi tetep pengen ke lapiazza yaudah deh kita ke lapiazza terus duduk duduk disituuuu.and we take some pictures




dan banyak lagi fotonya but im not post in semuannya kebanyakan gak penting nah next....

afi sama raisa go to 21 buat nonton cinta 2 hati kan yah nah gue sama syarifa go to...


itu kea makannya wajib kita kalo ke gading,yegak put?

nah abis udah beli kita duduk disekitar situ soallnya gue udah mau dijemput yasudeh kita duduk duduk si putri otp-an ~~iri -,-

setelah menunggu sekitar 10 menit mobil ku pun datang dan saya pulangggg putri menunggu sendirian deh hehe maaf yah puts.

yaudah deh gitu doang ceritannya hahaha but thats one of 100 nice day yang pernah terjadi di hidup gue.

okeoke byebye readers


Saturday, April 10, 2010

i believe i can fly

one of my dreams is fly and i hope i can do that gimana pun caranya:)

not a special saturday

hey hey hey, now im going to tell you apa aja yang gue lakuin hari ini, not really an interesting saturday actually but thats fine.

gue,putri,allya,raisa,ceha,afi mau wawancara native.but, gajadi soalnya gatau deh soalnya kenapa tiba tiba saja tak jadi plus saya tak bisa.

nah jam 10 an gitu saya dan keluarga saya berangkat memulai hari ini.
pertama.......kita ke Al-Azhar rawamangun sekolah saya dan adik tercintaa untuk menjemput si zahwa fatia jasmine,oh iya dia baru saja berulang tahun tanggal 8 kemaren HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YOU SIS :)

next.....kita ke tebet tepatnya kita ke baiza, disanaaa fatia sama kakak sepupu gue beli
Quickly yahh saya juga sih tapi saya kurang suka yang tadi gue beli so....yah udah i gave it to my mom.

nah abis udah kelar tuh disitunyaaaa kita ke....
Gading (again and again and again) nah di gading kita ke eat n eat dan duduk di tempat favorit gue soalnya ada colokan disitu jadi bisa nge charge-_- terusss saya pesan roti bakar srikaya nya kopi lay deh thats very very delicious:9.
terusnya ada orang transtv gitu deh haha.

kopi lay

nah sehabis dari situuuuu we went to terminal game...................... hahahah
setelah menunggu lama kelar juga deh disituuuuu

after that we went to XXI to watch HACHIKO ,gatau kenapa tiba tiba pengen banget nonton itu padahal dulu dulu males banget nonton itu film drama gaseru gitu keanya eh tadi dapet hasrat gitu tiba tiba


and.....................thats an awesome movie even my cousins almost cry, you wont regret if you watch it.dannnn setelah nonton itu gue pengen ke jepanggggggggg hueeeeeeee pengen banget ngeliat monumen nya sih hachiko sangat ingin sekali sekali

wow thats great i really wanna go there so much much much haha.

and you know what? after i watch this i really really want
TOTTO-CHAN dibikin filmmya please please make totto chan as a movie.
anddddd... pas mau baca totto chan lagi ehhhh inget kalo bukunya ilang-_- pokoknya besok harus beli gamau tau!

okeokeoke i think thats all for today hope you all have a
great saturday night! byebye love you all.....:)
